Why is water-based furniture paint becoming more and more popular?
Furniture in the home is usually painted with furniture paint, which not only protects our furniture but also makes it more beautiful.
There are many types of furniture paint, but with the awareness of health, furniture paint is slowly developing towards environmental protection.
1, many furniture paint is used organic solvents, these organic solvents generally contain harmful to humans, and the atmosphere is also polluted with harmful substances, these harmful substances will not only be in the film when volatile to the air, and will not be in a short time all volatile clean, even 10 years can not be completely dissipated, a threat to our health.
2, and water-based furniture paint is very environmentally friendly, because water-based furniture paint is the use of water to replace organic solvents, so when the film is evaporated are water, it will not bring any harm to the human body. Therefore, people in the choice of furniture paint more will choose non-toxic tasteless green environmentally friendly water-based furniture paint.
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